Food & Drink Magazine

Need Your Help

By Ally @allykitchen

Reeeeeally need your help. I'm vying for the Dream Job of cooking for one week on the Hallmark Channel show, Home and Family.

To move to Round 2, I have to have 'likes' and 'comments'. That's where you come in as friends and food family to help me in this fabulous adventure!

I know I can fill the job with flying colors. It's no hill for a climber. I want to bring to the show all that I love to do, love to share and want to give to others.

Here's the link or just click the picture below. Just go to it. Sign in with Facebook or your Email. Then you can watch my 60 second audition video!

Thanks for all your support, and let's bring to Home and Family, Ally's Kitchen! xoxo ~ally

need your help


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