Torch more calories with your canine friend! You’ll never find a pet who loves to exercise more than a dog. And that innate enthusiasm can be contagious. A study in Australia found that dog owners felt more resilient to exercise barriers like hectic schedule at work or jam-packed social life and felt more confident that they could find time for exercise irrespective of their other commitments. This is because dogs are always ready and willing to go. Not to mention, a dog won’t cancel your exercise schedule or appointment, won’t complain about being tired, or whine about bed weather and the likes, – excuses that most gym buddies do.
(Check out Reasons Why Dog is Good for Your Health)
For this reason, further studies state that the best exercise buddies are may very well be the canine variety. People who walked their dos increased their speed by 28% over three months, as compared to those who walk (or stroll) with their human companions who only get 4% faster. People tend to complain (practically about everything when exercising), dogs, on the other hand, are always game and on the go.
Best Exercise Buddy

Your new exercise buddy.
Canines are creatures of habit. Thus, they’ll help their dog owners stick to an exercise schedule. Once your dog gets into the routine of a morning run, you won’t need an alarm clock to wake you to do yours. Your pooch will definitely wake you up to have his (and your) morning exercise. His steady tempo can also make your speed faster as days go by. People don’t realize how much thoughts can slow them down, even when running. A canine has a one-track mind and he will effectively push your pace.
Moreover, dogs aren’t just game for running. They are great for other adventures like hiking, swimming, even skating. You may just want to familiarize your canine companion about the route before adding few more blocks/miles on your everyday run.