Politics Magazine

Nearly Half Of Voters Say NO To Kavanaugh Confirmation

Posted on the 02 October 2018 by Jobsanger
Nearly Half Of Voters Say NO To Kavanaugh Confirmation
These charts are from the new Quinnipiac University Poll -- done between September 27th and 30th of a national sample of 1,111 voters, with a margin of error of 3.7 points.
It shows that nearly half of voters (48%) think Brett Kavanaugh should NOT be confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court, while only 40% are in favor of confirmation -- a negative gap of 8 points. Men support confirmation by 9 points, but women oppose it by 18 points.
The poll also asked if Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh were honest. Dr. Ford was viewed as honest by 59% of voters, while Kavanaugh was viewed as honest by only 46%.
Voters don't like how either party is handing the accusations against Kavanaugh. Democrats have a 14 point deficit (38% to 52%), while Republicans have a 23 point deficit (33% to 56%).
Nearly Half Of Voters Say NO To Kavanaugh Confirmation
Nearly Half Of Voters Say NO To Kavanaugh Confirmation
Nearly Half Of Voters Say NO To Kavanaugh Confirmation
Nearly Half Of Voters Say NO To Kavanaugh Confirmation

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