Politics Magazine

Nearly 4 Out Of 10 Americans Don't Trust The Media

Posted on the 14 February 2015 by Jobsanger
Nearly 4 Out Of 10 Americans Don't Trust The Media
This is from a recent Rasmussen Poll -- done on February 7th and 8th of a random national sample of 800 adults, with a 3.5 point margin of error.
It seems that nearly 4 out of every 10 Americans doesn't think the news reported by the media is trustworthy. That's a sizable percentage, but frankly, I think it should be larger. More than 90% of all the media in the United States (print, radio, television) is owned by only six giant corporations. And the news we get is the news those six corporations want us to hear -- especially the political and economic news.
Those corporations will deny that they act as gatekeepers for the news that gets reported, but they do. Even if they don't approve or disapprove what gets covered, they have an effect on what gets reported. How long would a reporter last that makes a habit of reporting news detrimental to the corporation (or that is perceived as being detrimental by corporate executives)?
We used to have a vibrant free press in this country -- but the unification of media under just a few corporate banners is fast destroying that.

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