Spirituality Magazine

NBA Player J.R. Smith’s Wife Jewel Smith Writes Beautiful Blog Post To Her Husband

By Firstladyb


NBA Player J.R. Smith’s Wife Jewel Smith Writes Beautiful Blog Post To Her Husband

Cleveland Cavaliers player J.R. Smith and his wife Jewel Smith recently celebrated the homecoming of their newborn daughter Dakota, who spent the last 5 months in a neonatal intensive care unit after she was born in January weighing just one pound. Jewel has documented Dakota’s process on her blog, and her latest blog post is to her husband who she has been off and on with since 2007. Check it out:

To my husband…here are your flowers.
Let me start by saying thank you; THANK YOU!!
From the very beginning in 2007 until now. Thank you for coming in my life and leaving such a lasting impression and stain on my heart. 

J.R. Smith

She continued,

From the beginning, neither one of us knew what God had in store for us, but it is slowly being revealed little by little. Thank you for our time apart, which allowed us the time we personally needed to grow individually. We grew stronger and when the man above saw fit, he sent you back to get me when HE knew I needed you most. Thank you for returning with the I will not take NO for an answer mentality to repair your family back togetherthe right way! Thank you for putting this rock a.k.a mountain on my finger LOL and living an honest example of what it is to be a husband and becoming one with your significant other. Thank you for change…Period! I am grateful.


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