Fashion Magazine

Navy is the New Black

By Leslielazard @leslielazard

crop top black navy04Natasha-Ndlovu_gl_17oct12_Elena-Alhimovichwrap1e554ca3083f78196_navy-black-combo47c6097b45c57427461b9cafbb50e4a96f72b5f5083dc4bc_Black-and-Navy-Fashion-TrendFor me, navy has always been one of those colors that’s a bit out of my comfort zone. A dark neutral, that’s not quite as dark as black, but not as light as gray or creams, I’ve always found difficulty having the shade play nice with the other pieces in my closet. So much so, that I’ve tended to not even buy navy blue pieces. If I see a piece in the stores or online that grabs my eye, if it’s in navy blue I place it back on the racks without hesitation. After noticing plenty of navy incorporated in fall trends, I started debating whether or not I should give the hue another chance. And then I realized how chic navy looks with black. I’d always sort of thought of navy blue and black as sort of a fashion faux pas, but if done right the color combo manages to look fresh, clean and classic. And perfect for Fall I might add. Now, I’ll be on the hunt for the perfect navy blue piece to add to my wardrobe. I’m thinking a sweater, skirt, or even bag would be perfect choices to ease me into the shade! How do you feel about a navy and black color combo – yay or nay?


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