Since we came back from our little getaway in France, things have started to go back to normal. The weather has been beautiful in Belgium and the flowers in our back yard are really starting to take off. Although our yard is so tiny it seems to still require a lot of maintenance. The boyfriend does his nightly snail removal and it seems like the grass grows out just as soon as we cut it. During the last week or so of yard maintenance we’ve found a lot of interesting things.
First of all, I came across a four-leafed clover and was immediately filled with the excitement that I remember feeling a few times as a child after spending hours on the school playground searching for that one anomalous clover with my friends. It was a feeling of surprise, nostalgia, happiness. I didn’t pick it but left it there to keep growing and instead captured it with the camera. A couple of nights later we found another garden friend; only the second hedgehog I’ve ever been lucky enough to make acquaintance with throughout the course of my life so far. He was hanging out underneath the hedge and so kindly allowed me to snap his picture.
In addition to these two rare backyard guests, we’re also welcoming more familiar ones. Here’s one shot of a little beetle that decided to sun himself on my shoe while I was outside reading on afternoon, and another of the tiger lily that I couldn’t resist clipping and bringing inside to brighten up our living room for a few days. Life here has been laid back lately. It’s nice to take some extra time and enjoy these small things.