Fashion Magazine

Naturally Inspired – Weekend Style Challenge

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Naturally Inspired - weekend style challenge - have fun and up your style game

Find something from nature that really attracts or inspired you. Build an outfit using one of the qualities….colour…texture…

Inspired by nature - weekend style challenge on Inside Out Style

From flowers to leaves, combinations of colours within the landscape.

Weekend style challenge - Naturally Inspired - from fur to feathers, colours to textures - join in the fun on
The texture of fur or feathers …

Whatever it is that inspires you then put together an outfit and let us know what inspired you.

My outfit color scheme has been inspired by the deep blue ocean and the clear blue sky of a summer’s day.

Naturally inspired - weekend style challenge

Dress by Lisa Barron, Bag – Marc by Marc Jacobs from Gilt, Shoes – Tsubo, Shrug – Amazon

Please share over on the Style Lounge Facebook group and/or on Instagram (tag me @insideoutstyleblog #insideoutstyle #weekendstylechallenge)

Further Reading

Lisa shares her autumnal outfit

Rosina shares her transformation inspired by nature

How to coordinate colour

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