Inspired by the Project Mc² brand, created by MGA Entertainment, the S.T.E.A.M.- based franchise features four super smart girls who are part of a super-secret spy organization called NOV8, and of course NOV8 is why National STEAM day is November 8th.
My girls have been sent this rather unique Project MC2 spy bag.

From the outset it looks very much like a girls cosmetic bag with a few accessories but it's actually a whole lot more than that.
It looks and acts like a regular bag in girly pink and can even be carried around like one

But just take a look inside as appearances can be rather deceiving. The bag opens up to reveal all this inside.

There are what looks like test tubes and bottles for chemicals along with what looks like a few cosmetics and lots of drawer storage.
The nail polish is not what it seems! Look it's a light.

In fact many of the items inside, double up as some sort of spy item. There is a blusher powder and yes this can be used as blusher but also doubles up as fingerprint powder. Fingerprint cards and instructions come included. The mirror also assists in the fingerprint process as well as being an actual make up mirror.

So what are the test tubes all about? Yes I wondered that too. Well behind them are full instructions and also a little booklet of very easy to do experiments which only need a few usual household ingredients such as vinegar, glitter, oil etc.
This is a lovely pretty little kit and especially good for the girls who love being girly but also love a bit of science too.
This spy bag can be purchased in most good toy stores and is suitable for ages 6 and over. Prices vary but around £39.99.