FirstLadyB | Connecting Faith and Hollywood

Natalie Grant used her voice on Capitol Hill to speak out against modern day slavery.
The singer was invited by Senator Bob Corker to testify at a senate hearing on progress in the global fight to end modern day slavery. She appeared as a witness in the hearing as the co-founder of the non-profit organization Hope For Justice, and shared her compelling and heart-felt testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

During her testimony Grant recognized that she does have the power of a voice and said, ”It’s not up to us to do everything. But every one of us must do something.” She recognized that this issue demands her attention and commitment, and she challenged the Senate Committee by declaring it also demands the same from them. Grant said, “I commit my life to Proverbs 31:8 which says, ‘Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Ensure justice for those being crushed.’ I have seen those who are crushed, and I say that together we must do whatever it takes to give them justice.”