One of my favorite romance tropes is the fake relationship - I just can't resist it. So there was little doubt that watching D'Vaughn and Kris plan a fake wedding would be absolutely delightful.
The story is centered around a reality show called Instant I Do and told through the first person perspectives and solo camera interviews of D'Vaughn and Kris. The premise of the show is to convince your closest friends and family that you're getting married to the person you're paired with - in six weeks. Framing the book in the context of the show means we also experience our main characters in a sort of vacuum, removed from their everyday lives and jobs while they focus on their goal.
Curvy, femme and very closeted D'Vaughn is hoping to diversify the cast of this season of the show with her presence as a queer, Black, full figured contestant. Her main motivation for going on the show is to come out to her family, which she's never been able to bring herself to do. She just needs to convince her conservative, judemental mom that she's about to get gay married! Bold move, D'Vaughn.
Kris is a social media influencer, a stud who's got a rep for being a bit of a player. She's looking to find true love and a real connection, and thinks going on this show will help her do just that. She's been out to her big, boisterous Afro-Latinx family for ages, but the trick will be convincing them she's serious about settling down, and with someone they've never met or even heard of.
As a couple, D'Vaughn and Kris are adorable, and I love the support Kris gives to D'Vaughn as she comes out to her family even though they've just met. I really enjoyed the narrative expressed in the Jitter Cam sections, giving us a bit of an extra perspective on what the characters were thinking and feeling. The story has great pacing, and you experience things in the moment, a bit like it would be if you were watching the show.
The only real problems for me came from consistency issues surrounding the technical reality show aspects that I think should have been caught by an editor. Obviously in Romancelandia we are opening our minds and hearts to things that prooobably would not happen in real life. That's why those little world building details are so crucial. Mentions of the mics and cameras that clarify some issues are provided later in the story, but would have better been served at the beginning of the book. At some points it kind of felt like the author was figuring things out as she went along, but didn't go back to shore up any leaks that may have been caused in the story. I even had to go back a few times to make sure I hadn't missed something. These were the sort of details that kept pulling me out of the book.
So while I can get behind our characters falling in love in six weeks, I'm totally chafing about not being able to tell when they were on film or being recorded vs when they were alone having private moments. I personally don't have much experience watching reality shows, so I don't know if that helped or hurt my perspective on how that was shown to us on the page. My writer's brain understands how these problems developed, but a fresh set of editing eyes could have caught these little inconsistencies.
Despite those few hiccups, this is a fun romance with lovable characters and definitely worth a read!