I decided to challenged myself to replicate this. Thanks to my friends for many pointers and sharing. (you know who you are).

I have also added my family's hot favorite and that is the my MIL's sambal prawns and also a side treat of luncheon meat.
My children and hubby gave me a thumbs up for it. I am so happy that it turned out well and we enjoyed it.

Learnings: Next time, I will measure out the rice for each layers. I hold back alot by only brushing a thin layer of Nasi Lemak Sambal on the omelet and not the luncheon meat layer.
By blending pandan leaves with the coconut milk, it gives a nice aroma to the rice.
The ratio of rice to water was just nice too as my grains turned out not mushy.
I have used 3 eggs to make the omelet. Next time, I will use 4 eggs instead.