Culture Magazine

Nancy Christie's Book Release!

By Grace Peterson @GracePeterson3
Hi Peeps. Today I'm honored to share the stage with author and teacher, Nancy Christie as she celebrates the publication of her new book, TRAVELING LEFT OF CENTER. In March, Nancy was here to discuss the cover for her book. Well guess what folks. It's now a book! Nancy Christie's Book Release!The Synopsis: 
There are some people who, whether by accident or design, find themselves traveling left of center. Unable or unwilling to seize control over their lives, they allow fate to dictate the path they take--often with disastrous results. 
TRAVELING LEFT OF CENTER details characters in life situations for which they are emotionally or mentally unprepared. Their methods of coping range from passive, ("The Healer") and the aggressive, ("The Clock") to the humorous, ("Traveling Left of Center") and hopeful, ("Skating on Thin Ice"). 
The eighteen stories in TRAVELING LEFT OF CENTER depict those types of situations from the close calls to the disastrous. Not all the stories have happy endings--like life. Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't. 
In these stories, the characters' choices--or non-choices--are their own. But the outcomes may not be what they anticipated or desired. Will they have time to correct their choice or will they crash? 
Below are a few of the eighteen stories in TRAVELING LEFT OF CENTER: 

Nancy Christie's Book Release!


  • ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN--Sometimes, what one fears most comes to pass because of those fears. If Charlotte hadn't been so afraid, would the outcome have been the same? 
  • THE CLOCK--Everyone has a breaking point. For Harold, it came one fateful evening when the clock, once again stopped ticking. 
  • THE SHOP ON THE SQUARE--His attitude of superiority had gotten him quite far in life. Until a chance stop at a small Mexican town illustrated that he had much to learn. 

TRAVELING LEFT OF CENTER can be purchased by way of the usual outlets. For more information, go to Nancy's website
Congratulations, Nancy, my friend. It looks like a great read! 
Nancy Christie's Book Release!

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