Tux & Tales Photography Named
One of the Top UK Wedding Photographers for 2016
You could have knocked me over with a feather earlier this week when I opened my Facebook account and was greeted with an abundance of friends and family congratulating us on being named one of the top UK Wedding Photographers for 2016. (If you fancy, you can have a gander at the list here.)
Whilst I certainly love that our work is being recognised – I am equally aware that we don’t do it alone. It is the general awesomeness of our clients and their friends and families that makes our job so special.
How can we photograph that amazing stage dive if it doesn’t happen?
You get my point….
So I just wanted to say a quick THANK YOU to all of our clients who help us take such awesome photographs.
We would be nothing without you.
Literally…just sitting around taking photos of blank walls or maybe cats for funny memes.