The case filed against former Minister Namal Rajapaksa for allegedly misappropriating Rs.70 million belonging to Krrish Company, was postponed till September 21 by Colombo Fort Magistrate Thilina Gamage yesterday. MP Namal Rajapaksa was present in court in connection with the case filed for allegedly misappropriating Rs.70 million granted by Indian Real Estate Company Krrish Lanka Pvt. Ltd, for the development of rugby in Sri Lanka.
MP Namal Rajapaksa was arrested for allegedly misappropriating Rs.70 million granted by Indian Real Estate Company Krrish Lanka Pvt. Ltd, to develop rugby in Sri Lanka. He is currently on bail.
The FCID stated that they had not yet received instructions from Attorney General pertaining to the case.
Accordingly the Magistrate sent a reminder to the Attorney General directing him to expedite his advice regarding the case. The case will be taken up again on September 21.
Thursday, May 26, 2022 – 01:06