A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit card (ICC) is any pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits.
Smart Card Make Material
Smart cards are built of plastic, broadly polyvinyl chloride, but occasionally acrylonitrile butadiene styrene or polycarbonate.

Smart Card
Smart Card Uses
Smart cards can offer identification, authentication, data storage and application processing. Smart cards may render firm security authentication for Single Sign-On (SSO) within large organizations.
Smart Card or Chip card technology is fast becoming commonplace in the world and daily lives.
Keeping the importance of Smart Card NADRA (National Database and Registration Authority) on November 10th 2012 has launched cutting-edge smart card for the citizens of Pakistan. To set a Smart National ID Card, visit NADRA Registration Center.

NADRA Smart Card Ad in English
NADRA is proud to inclose state-of-the-art T based SMART National ID CARD (SNIC) to give you an experience of a Hi-Tech security solution for security of your personal identity.

NADRA Smart Card Ad in Urdu
SNIC Features
- Multi-dimensional Usage & Service;
- Social & Financial inclusion Programmes;
- Use of State-of-the-Art Encryption Techniques;
- Live Identification ofCjpiurcd I- ngoi prints;
- Easy Pension Disbursement;
and a lot more to offer in the future.
Fee Structure
According to NADRA Sources the fee structure of this SNIC is Rs. 1500/=
Delivery Time
The delivery time of SNIC after submitting the form and fee at least ten (10) days.
For information contact to NADRA Authorities thru NADRA Helpline:
(051) 111-786-100