Surf on over to and you’ll find a countdown clock accompanied by a morse code message playing on a loop. That countdown sets us up to expect some Fallout 4 news on 11 December.
And it says this;
“Nuclear Winter is coming in…”
Although the site may be fake but needless to say, the mention of nuclear winter adds credence to the idea that this teaser site does indeed refer to a Fallout game.
The morse code message translates to: CQ CQ CQ DE OZ PSE AS. Further translated it roughly reads as, “Calling any station (repeated). This is Oscar Zulu. Please stand by.”
Fallout fans might recall that in Fallout 3, signal Oscar Zulu was activated via a relay tower south of DC. It broadcast a distress signal that, when followed, led players to a drainage chamber and two adult skeletons. Of note, the Oscar Zulu message indicated there was a husband, wife, and a “small boy” in need of medical assistance, only, there was no third child-sized skeleton to be found in the drainage chamber.
Does this missing, presumed dead but possibly alive sick child tie in with “The Survivor?” Could be. But again, this is all speculation until that countdown clock ticks down to December 11 and we find out once and for all if this is an amazing hoax or Bethesda’s official Fallout 4 unveiling.
Bethesda declined to comment on whether or not it owned the web domain.
I wonder what will we see on December 11th.