I just got back from a weekend away in wales with my fiancée to visit his family. We had a fantastic time, visiting the beach, going for walks and having bbq’s whilst watching the sunset behind the lush green fields of Anglesey. It was nice to have a few relaxing days to just chill out. It’s always great to visit the countryside when I live in the city. Quiet roads, miles of green countryside, relaxing in the garden with the sound of wildlife and of course, the fresh air. We also visited one of the only original old cottages left on Anglesey, Swtan cottage. Although the cottage was originally built in the 16th century, it has been restored to as it was around the beginning of the 20th century. The cottage has been in the same family since. Mr Gwilym Jones, the last tenant until the roof collapsed in the early 1960’s, is currently a member of the Board of Trustees. We also visited the beach in Church bay, a small beach with sand and pebbles with rocks to explore, you can see glorious sunsets over the sea. Church bay is a nice little place with a seafood restaurant and a few other facilities. There are so many great places to visit in Anglesey with plenty to do. I love to keep fit and there’s plenty of walking & biking routes on the island and plenty of places to go running. Here’s a few photos from my trip :)