Black and Cork Heeled Sandals - Payless
Orange Snakeskin Belt - Target (belt has no brand on it, think it was Merona)
Blue Bag - Brahmin
Silver Cuff and Hoop Earrings
A Day in the Life: Allie's Blog Photo Shoots:
- Get dressed in the dark while husband and daughter sleep
- Daughter catches whiff of me being awake and either slowly awakes with "chirping" and singing, or goes into full-blown screaming "MAWWWW-MEEEEE MAWWWW-MEEEEE!"
- Wake up husband to care for daughter and dogs. If I am already finished with hair and makeup, usually he will go let out the dogs and I will go get Emerson ready for the day. Today I took care of Emerson before hair and makeup since she started the day with the screaming.
- Get Emerson out of bed, dressed. Take her downstairs and go back upstairs to quickly slap on some makeup, finish hair (or try to make it not look like bedhead - today was easy because I put it in a high topknot last night while sleeping and in the AM only had to brush out the tips and hit a piece or two with the curling iron).
- Rush downstairs, dump everything from yesterday's purse into today's purse
- Husband hands me half a granola bar and our two coffee cups. I sling my bag over my body. We get the three of us out of the house and to the car. Emerson protests, saying she needs her purse, her Dora doll, her stuffed monkey, different shoes. She then tells us that she would rather ride in the blue car (my car) than the black car (my husband's) and cries because we say no.
- I crawl into the back of the car and wrangle Emerson into the car seat.
- While my daughter screams, "Want DORA! Want DORA!", my husband and I get into position. He takes about 12 photos in succession while I get into what I hope to be decent poses.
- Husband hands me the memory card, we take the coffee cups off the roof of the car (have only forgotten a sippy cup so far), head to the Metro to drop me off.
Maggy London Dresses