Fashion Magazine

My Style: White is My New Black

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

White is my new black - Inside Out Style

One of the questions I get asked most about since changing my  hair color so radically from deep brunette to light blonde, is how have the colours I wear changed.

In a word, black, used to be my go-to dark neutral.  Particularly in the 15 years where it was impossible to buy anything in navy (fortunately this is happily now no longer the case).  I had a lot in common with black. My colouring – was Dramatic (Cool Deep) and so I had the elements of:

  1. Coolness
  2. Depth
  3. Brightness

and these are the exact same color properties of black, which is why it suited me so well.   Now my color properties are:

  1. Coolness
  2. Lightness
  3. Brightness

Wearing White in Winter

So black only has 2 of my 3 properties and just isn’t as good.  But do you know which neutral does have all of my 3 properties?  White – that’s right!

White is my new black - Inside Out Style Blog

White is my new black.

Since I’ve changed my hair I’ve fallen in love with white.  I really enjoy wearing it (and I just don’t get pleasure from wearing my black clothes in the same way anymore).  Sure I still wear them in winter (sadly I’m not rich enough to throw them all out and start again).  But I do try and keep the black away from my face as much as possible, and I wear it in winter, but not summer.  When I do want to wear my black pieces I find that I need to wear more dark eyeliner and eyeshadow to make an element of my face darker to work back with the black.

Summer white column of colour

White also works well with my other mid-toned coloured pieces.  My contrast has lowered from high to medium (my eyes are still a darker blue).

White and blue outfit - inside out style blog

It’s a great versatile neutral for me to wear and I feel fresh and vibrant wearing it.

White shorts and top for summer

What is your go-to-neutral and why do you love it?

Get some whitespiration into your wardrobe

My Style:  White is My New Black
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