Fashion Magazine

My Reputation Favourites

By Winyeemichelle
It’s Taylor Swift release week and in true Daisybutter tradition, here’s the post full of my favorite tracks and why you really should be listening to some T.S. After three long years, my girl Taylor finally released her newest studio album ‘reputation’ and I am absolutely obsessed with it. I’ve been a Taylor fan since 2008 and with each era and especially post-1989, it’s been an emotional rollercoaster to await each release and worry about how the media plan to savage her next. I could write a dissertation on how I feel the media have her wrong and on the evils of pop culture but I’ll save that for another time. For now, there will just be reputation.

What I Thought of reputation

reputation is Taylor Swift’s most raw yet polished album yet, in my opinion. Taylor Swift is uncut country, Fearless was wrought with admissions of love, crush and hate, Speak Now was a candid confession, Red sung confidence and 1989 demonstrated Swift’s prowess in songwriting and sheer dramatic value. But reputation? This is a whole new ball game. Contrary to what the media circus might assume about her ‘man-eating ways’ and how she loves stirring up drama, the album is a stark look at relationships in a more adult way, it takes back control of Swift’s life and her stories and it also shows off her uncanny ability to maintain dignity in the face of adversity, to tease with tiny nods to media-acknowledged relationships and ultimately to rewrite her own destiny. I absolutely LOVED how this album focuses on her, not on a string of men and I mostly adored how many of the songs felt a little more stripped back, Fearless style. If you can, I’d really recommend reading the opening note from Taylor that’s in the physical album because it eloquently says all that I want to about the modern age of social media and sharing.

My Top 5

I Did Something Bad

Often when Taylor finds herself off the beaten path, I tend not to like the song in question. This rings true for tracks like Change and We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together but when I heard I Did Something Bad, I LOVED it. From the lyrics (the swear!!) to the total transformative music itself, I’m obsessed with it.

So It Goes…

Hands down one of the greatest songs to dramatically cruise around in the car too.

Don’t Blame Me

I’m a huge fan of the obsessive love lyrics in this song. The drum and bass, the grown-up lyrics and total 360° from her usual style have me listening to this on repeat.

Getaway Car

This track is one of the more evocative ones from reputation. I find myself imagining scenes of Taylor running away from the media circus that was 2016 and 2017 and finding a safe haven in her loved ones and her home, writing songs that were once her way of getting away from the bullies.

New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day is a mellow, slow track that beautifully rounds off the album. Some have said that it alludes to the fact that Taylor is engaged?! But I find it a really sweet nod to feeling safe and comfortable in a relationship, so much so that you find yourself daydreaming about spending the rest of your life together, hosting parties and savouring the tiny moments of the everyday. Confetti on the ground at your first party as you glance around during a stolen quiet moment amidst the noise.

Honourable mentions:

  • King of My Heart
  • Call It What You Want
  • Delicate
  • Gorgeous

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The album itself is available digitally on iTunes, as a standard physical copy on CD or via two special magazine editions on her online shop. I highly recommend the magazine edition if you’re pondering a purchase! I have the digital, the CD and magazine and highly rate the beautiful magazine edition.
My reputation Favourites

My reputation Favourites

13.11.17 It’s Taylor Swift release week and in true Daisybutter tradition, here’s the post full of my favorite tracks and why you really should be listening to some T.S. After three long years, my girl Taylor finally released her newest studio album ‘reputation’ and I am absolutely obsessed with it. I’ve been a Taylor fan since 2008 and with each era and especially post-1989, it’s been an emotional rollercoaster to await each release and worry about how the media plan to savage her next. I could write a dissertation on how I feel the media have her wrong and on the evils of pop culture but I’ll save that for another time. For now, there will just be reputation.

What I Thought of reputation

reputation is Taylor Swift’s most raw yet polished album yet, in my opinion. Taylor Swift is uncut country, Fearless was wrought with admissions of love, crush and hate, Speak Now was a candid confession, Red sung confidence and 1989 demonstrated Swift’s prowess in songwriting and sheer dramatic value. But reputation? This is a whole new ball game. Contrary to what the media circus might assume about her ‘man-eating ways’ and how she loves stirring up drama, the album is a stark look at relationships in a more adult way, it takes back control of Swift’s life and her stories and it also shows off her uncanny ability to maintain dignity in the face of adversity, to tease with tiny nods to media-acknowledged relationships and ultimately to rewrite her own destiny. I absolutely LOVED how this album focuses on her, not on a string of men and I mostly adored how many of the songs felt a little more stripped back, Fearless style. If you can, I’d really recommend reading the opening note from Taylor that’s in the physical album because it eloquently says all that I want to about the modern age of social media and sharing.

My Top 5

I Did Something Bad

Often when Taylor finds herself off the beaten path, I tend not to like the song in question. This rings true for tracks like Change and We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together but when I heard I Did Something Bad, I LOVED it. From the lyrics (the swear!!) to the total transformative music itself, I’m obsessed with it.

So It Goes…

Hands down one of the greatest songs to dramatically cruise around in the car too.

Don’t Blame Me

I’m a huge fan of the obsessive love lyrics in this song. The drum and bass, the grown-up lyrics and total 360° from her usual style have me listening to this on repeat.

Getaway Car

This track is one of the more evocative ones from reputation. I find myself imagining scenes of Taylor running away from the media circus that was 2016 and 2017 and finding a safe haven in her loved ones and her home, writing songs that were once her way of getting away from the bullies.

New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day is a mellow, slow track that beautifully rounds off the album. Some have said that it alludes to the fact that Taylor is engaged?! But I find it a really sweet nod to feeling safe and comfortable in a relationship, so much so that you find yourself daydreaming about spending the rest of your life together, hosting parties and savouring the tiny moments of the everyday. Confetti on the ground at your first party as you glance around during a stolen quiet moment amidst the noise.

Honourable mentions:

  • King of My Heart
  • Call It What You Want
  • Delicate
  • Gorgeous

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The album itself is available digitally on iTunes, as a standard physical copy on CD or via two special magazine editions on her online shop. I highly recommend the magazine edition if you’re pondering a purchase! I have the digital, the CD and magazine and highly rate the beautiful magazine edition.
My reputation Favourites

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