Prepare to battle intense hunger as you indulge in the rest of this post.
As some of you may remember in my delicious Chicken Pillows post last week, I mentioned a certain foodie website and DEMANDED that you all go there and spend hours browsing around.
Did you?
No really... DID YOU?
Don't lie to me.
If you did go, HURRAY, you're my favorite.
If you didn't, shame on you. I still love you, but SHAME on you. Shame on YOU because you have TRULY missed out on an eyegasm of epic proportions. {In case you're in a Friday daze, that's an orgasm for your eyes}
This site is pure foodie heaven. If you spend less the 20 minutes looking around you aren't in love with food as much as you should be and if you are in love with food, plan on wasting the majority of your day searching the {currently} 2,166 pages of recipes. I say currently because the site is updated multiple times a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! SO, it's always growing, along with our lust!
caribbean mango chicken burger
As I said in my previously mentioned recipe post, Food Gawker is basically a MECCA for recipe blogs. Brilliant foodie gods post one fantastic dish after another on their own blogs and submit the photos and recipes to the Food Gawker team who then, after putting them through a rigorous review process to ensure that they are worthy of gawker greatness, pass them along to the rest of the world highlighting the pure genius.garlic knots
We mere foodie mortals can then browse the photos for new ideas, techniques, ingredients, etc. If a photo sparks your interest {which, be prepared, they all will} simply click on the image and Food Gawker will send you straight to the source. {It's a great way to find new blogs to follow as well!} If you're truly dedicated, you can create a free account and "favorite" all of the recipes that catch our eye. You can also leave little notes or comments on your favorites and share your lists with friends and family! It's brilliant.While I have a tiny obsession with cookbooks, this ALMOST eliminates the need. {Let's face it, the spirit of Julia Child would be heartbroken if we didn't have actual pages in our kitchens!}
grilled pineapple and toasted coconut ice cream sundae
So basically you can send all of your thank you mail and monetary donations directly to me, along with samples of the amazing dinners, drinks, appetizers, desserts and platters that you will prepare thanks to my life-changing tip.Now if you will excuse me I have some more drooling to do.
Until next time...
What is your favorite foodie obsession? Do you have ONE blog that you snag all of your recipes from or a collection of many?