Its 1981, a year of riots and royal weddings. The Dukes of Hazzard is on TV. Curly Wurlys are in the shops. And trying to find a place in it all is nine-year-old Leon. He and his little brother Jake have gone to live with Maureen. They've lost one home, but have they found another?
Maureen feeds and looks after them. She has wild red hair and mutters swearwords under her breath when she thinks they can't hear. She claims everything will be okay. But will they ever see their mother again? Who are the couple who secretly visit Jake? Between the street violence and the street parties, Leon must find a way to reunite his family . . .
No one has to tell Leon that this is a special moment. 1, 2 APRIL 1980
(@PenguinUKBooks, 2 June 2016, ebook, 264 pages, bought from @AmazonKindle)
This has been on my radar for ages because I've read so many good things about it. My Name is Leon broke my heart, yep, it tore a hole clean through me I don't think I'll be the same again. This is the first book in ages that had me weeping uncontrollably about the awful sadness of it all. The narrator is very close to Leon so you really get to understand how everything affects him. He's just a child and what he wants to simple - to live in his house with his Mum and baby brother Jake and take care of everyone. His hopeless fury when adults he doesn't know make choices that have a huge impact on his life is gut-wrenching. Why can't Mum take care of him? Why has Jake gone away? This is an incredible piece of writing.

I live in Glasgow in the UK with my partner. I work in the Financial Services. I like reading especially Joyce Carol Oates and Stephen King. I write fiction and poetry. I enjoy watching TV (Grimm, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Lip Service, The L Word etc). I like to play video games and am a fan of survival horror especially the Silent Hill franchise. I like to watch movies especially horror and anything where someone dies. View All Posts