Fashion Magazine

My Mantra for 2012: QUALITY

By Erika Brechtel @smallshopstudio

…refocus & recoup…

I’ve got a few fun resolutions for my 2012 up on Lili & Mae today! Creating that post also made me look back in depth at the past couple years, and what I’d like to tackle this year. I had a whole other light-hearted post planned, but this is what’s really been on my mind:

My Mantra for 2012: QUALITY

My Mantra for 2012: QUALITY

I have definitely felt like the past few years have been a blur. So my #1 goal is to be present in the moments. I don’t want to look back at 2012 and feel like another year flew by! I am tired of thinking to myself, “if only I had two of me,” or “if only there were 48 hours in a day,” “if only…” — this will never be! Time to decide what I need to cut out and focus on what will make each day count, to get the most use out of the time I do have. I was totally inspired by this article, “30 Things to Stop Doing To Yourself” (thanks Victoria!). Could it be so simple?

My Mantra for 2012: QUALITY

Sounds superficial, but really to me it means two things: actually using the quality pieces I already own — what am I waiting for? Break out those Riedel glasses, drink coffee from my grandma’s china, don that La Perla, wear those Jimmy Choo’s even while working from home, I say! Secondly, invest in quality pieces to love and keep forever. This of course also includes cleaning out the crap that I don’t need or use, in my home, in my office, on my computer, in my closet. To this end, read up on MIMI+MEG’s “Guide to Pare Down Your Wardrobe” , and Arianna’s tips on La Dolce Vita, “Decluttering and Organizing Do’s and Don’ts” — let’s get on it!

My Mantra for 2012: QUALITY

I am quite fortunate to be at a point in my career where I can be selective with the projects I take on. I love the clients I end up working with because I know that we are on the same page, working together to get the best end product we can. I strive to find quality collaborations to create quality work. I don’t do templates, I don’t do rush jobs — it’s not my thing. I much more enjoy putting the time and creative energy into each and every project to produce real, lasting results of which my clients and I can be proud. Getting into the details and what makes each unique is so key to success! More of that here: “To Create Something Exceptional, Do Sweat The Small Stuff” (thanks Grace!). Great piece!

My Mantra for 2012: QUALITY

Somewhere in the middle of getting married, having kids, owning a home, running a business (or two!) and serving clients, you worry about taking care of all of that, and lose sight of taking care of all this. At some point you realize you really don’t need to run around and always be the hero, the martyr. No one can take better care of you than yourself!  In 2012, I am focusing on little ways to improve my own health, my outlook, my relationships, my character. I hope that it will translate to this little page too.

It’s all about quality. In a nutshell!

My Mantra for 2012: QUALITY

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