Become this kid?
I've been living with this person for almost three years, and time seems to be speeding up. I blink my eyes and suddenly she's a kid, not a baby. She has such definite opinions on what she wants to wear, to eat, how she wants to spend her time, what she wants us to read before bedtime. She likes to do things like sit upside down or bridged across furniture (like above), she likes to sing at the top of her lungs and make up words and play pranks. She has an amazing memory - she will meet a person once and three months later recognize them AND remember their name. She notices when people get haircuts, even change their nail polish color.
Even though I don't really encourage it, she's extremely girly - loves to play with my jewelry and makeup brushes, believes a party isn't a party unless she's wearing a dress. This weekend was awesome for her because she got to wear a tutu to a costume party.
Emerson in awe over her best friend Spiderman... I mean Ayden
She used to be very shy, but lately has become more outgoing and sociable. She will go up to kids and say hi and try to start a conversation. She will share with new people to encourage a friendship. At her first swim class she wanted to be left alone and spent most of the session in tears, but now she's playing with the other kids and having a blast.
She leaves half-empty yogurt tubs and sticky sippy cups all over the house. She has terrible taste in television. Her favorite word this day seems to be "NO!" She has broken at least a dozen of my necklaces and I often find my bracelets under her bed, in her toy kitchen or shoved under the couch cushions. Even so, she's a pretty awesome housemate and I feel blessed to have her in my life!
Sorry for lack of outfit post today - early day and a busy one at that. I will get back to fashion-related posts on tomorrow!