It’s hard to show in pictures just how much my garden has changed in the 18 months I have been here and even harder to put into words just how great it is to finally have my first vegetable bed (first ever) I have only ever been responsible for others up until now.
The picture below shows part of the area that is becoming my kitchen garden, it was taken in April last year. The lilac tree against the fence remains but the fencing to the far left handside of the picture was removed to reveal an extra 3 metres of space at the bottom of the garden.

Below is a picture of the same area taken yesterday. You can see the space I gained because the style of fencing is different. It was definitely worth doing to gain precious space.

Today’s job was to start building one of the vegetable beds. I’m using old floor boards (these are the same ones I used for my potting bench) and timber from the fencing I took down. The idea being that I recycle everything I have and don’t have to spend any money.

The finished bed, 1.6m x 2.6m of space to start supplying the dinner table! One down three more to go.

I have now got to dig this over removing all the bricks that I seem to keep banging my spade into. I will also dig in plenty of compost before planting. I’ve been so busy trying to get a bed finished that I haven’t actually given much thought as to what I’m going to grow…. best get planning!