Books Magazine

My Jane Austen Book Club New Graphics

Posted on the 06 September 2012 by Mariagrazia @SMaryG
MY JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB NEW GRAPHICS Isn't she lovely? The pretty Jane in my header?  I'm so proud of my new avatar and of my new header! Of course,  she's Jane Austen just  as I imagine her,  between past and present. A cup of tea in her hand and  a laptop instead of paper and a quill, books on the table, always nearby. What do you think? Wouldn't she have been a terrific blogger if she had lived nowadays? I bet, a very successful one!  That's lovely Jane, certainly. However,  I like to think that's also me, always moving between my books and my computer , between the past and the present, with a  cup or a mug at hand. Maybe not wearing a long, elegant, Regency dress actually,  but virtually.  The new graphics for my Jane Austen Book Club have been designed by talented Cecilia Latella and I'm so gratefully she perfectly caught what I wanted and made my wishes beautiful, colourful images.  Thank you so much, Cecilia!
To discover more about Cecilia and her work I suggest a visit to her personal blog
If you wanted to add the vertical banner here on the left to your blog sidebar, I'd be really grateful and honored, especially if you linked it to My Jane Austen Book Club ( Leave a comment with a link to your own blog, if you decide to do it, I'll be glad to visit and say THANK YOU!

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