Fashion Magazine

My Horsebit Loafers (That Kill My Ankle-Knuckles).

By Winyeemichelle
My Horsebit Loafers (That Kill My Ankle-Knuckles). AW16etcstyle notes

My Horsebit Loafers (That Kill My Ankle-Knuckles).

My Horsebit Loafers (That Kill My Ankle-Knuckles).

An ode to the shoe of the moment and why you should always go for gold the original. 
I fell in love with the infamous Gucci Jordaan loafers when they landed on my desk way back in January for SS16. (I used to work in luxury fashion!) That refreshed loafer style with a more flattering toebox, the polished horsebit hardware and the promise of a buffed leather sole, a.k.a. our prayers answered for quiet shoes in the office. Besotted.
As I’m a) not a Lottery winner, and b) saving for greater things, I picked up the ASOS versions (these 'Movement' ones! Ironic really as they've rendered me immobile...!) last week and they’re pretty damn awesome. I really like the higher vamp so that my entire foot is covered, the polished gold-tone hardware, the shape…
I mean, their only pitfall is that they don’t suit the position of my ankle-knuckle. You know where I mean. Babybutter and I have called it an ankle-knuckle for as long as we can remember, hahah!
TL;DR. Awesome shoes. Wear them with fluffy socks for a few hours before you venture outdoors.

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