Fashion Magazine

My Hong Kong Love...Rabeanco

By Kena @campchic

Hong Kong love meet my lovely readers, Lovely readers meet my Hong Kong love Rabeanco! I purchased a Rabeanco bag as my special treat from HK! The color attracted me into the fame HK store but the leather sealed the deal! Buttery soft and smooth, if they made panties this soft I would purchase 10 pair of them. Ok maybe that's a bad visual me shopping for leather panties - I think you get the point!  This leather bag is AMAZING!!!





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By joybird11
posted on 22 December at 10:39
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Sure. I paid $280 US dollars for it. I love the bag! The leather is incredibly soft and well made. I hope this helps. : )

By piggybabe
posted on 13 December at 08:59
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Hi Kena,

May I know how much you paid for the Rabeanco messenger bag in HK?? Been eyeing for the bag, love the soft leather...