When we first contemplated the idea of me becoming a stay-at-home mom the notion was a bit scary. Would we really be able to make it on one income? What would I do during the day? and Could I handle having a kid ALL THE TIME?
We decided to make the leap and I'm so glad we did because now I'm living the good life at home with my kids. I get to be there for all the important milestones. I don't miss out on the funny things they say or the cute things they do. I get all the hugs and cuddles that they will allow me and I'm taking full advantage of that before they decide they are too big!
When things do come up like sick kids or school cancellations, I don't have to scramble to change my schedule or find someone else to watch the girls. I'm already available. This means that I can help out other moms when they have things come up and they will do the same for me. Having a community of moms is something I'm not sure I would have found if I was working. The Allstate Good Life page is filled with tips to help you navigate those little bumps in the road.
I love that my kids get me to do things I haven't done in years. I'm outside more. I'm dancing and singing more. I'm learning new things as I search to find answers to the never ending "why?" questions. I'm experiencing things for the first time again by seeing it through their eyes. They remind me of the joy to be found in the simplest things. I look forward to sharing new experiences with them and seeing how they change as they grow.
Sure we have our rocky days now and again. That is part of life. Overall though I would say life is pretty darn good.
How are you living the good life?