Lifestyle Magazine

My First Mothers Day Wish List

By Catty212
Sunday 30th of March is soon approaching and it will be my very first Mothers Day. The Little Man is now 6 weeks old!
I have created a little wish list of lovely things that I would like to recieve, though if I'm honest I will be grateful if my husband remembers to buy me a card from The Little Man as he isn't usually very organised when it comes to present buying.
My first Mothers Day wish list
I adore handmade keepsakes and I'm also a massive fan of frames, so this gorgeous engraved First Mothers Day frame would be perfect. It's so sweet. I also love East of India gifts and this pretty keepsake box is so pretty and would be perfect to keep The Little Mans bits and pieces in.
The practical side of me also needs some foundation with amazing coverage to make me look less ill/sleep deprived. I also need some pretty new slippers because the ones that I got for Christmas made my feet stink and I'm currently stealing my hubbies size 9 slippers.
I'm not really a flowery kind of person but I do love the scent of freesias so a nice little bunch would be a welcome treat and I never say no to a Yankee candle though in total honesty I have far too many candles littering far too many surfaces in the house. I am working my way through them now though as they tend to disguise that lingering smell of poo from nappy changes!
The final thing I would like, is a new pair of boots. It's probably rather indulgent seeing as I'm on maternity leave and my pay has already dropped dramatically, but I do tend to wear flat boots with everything now and Kurt Geiger do have a sale on!

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