Destinations Magazine
Filipina Homebased Moms (FHMOMS), a Facebook group dedicated to providing Pinay mothers in the Philippines the necessary information to flourish as home-based career moms, teamed up with Pampers last month to celebrate Mother's Day. (I announced the event here.) What's great about FHMOMS is that the group offers mommies training and support to help them have a successful job at home. Groups like this make it easy for me to show my support.
Here's a picture of the event. We went to the function room at Mom and Tina's bakery. (Food was good!)
The event gathered FHMOMS members and bloggers together, sharing valuable information about topics such as healthy baby food options and homeschooling. There were topics meant to help work-from-home moms as well, teaching mommy attendees (myself included) how to turn passion into purpose, and how to know freelancing is right for them.
The event also showed us how awesome Pampers Baby Dry diapers are! We were actually given test kits that contained a thin sheet of gel crystals. These sheets are actually what's inside every Baby Dry diaper.
After pouring 100ml of colored water, we were amazed to watch the crystals absorb the liquid within seconds and then fluff up.
We got to take home the same gel sheet, so I went ahead and cut mine open after it absorbed all the liquid I poured into it. I only found red and green food coloring at home, so I used green. Way better than using red, right? :D
I also had given birth recently, so I gave the diapers a test run with my 11-day-old baby. As you can see, she's sleeping soundly. Her dry bum makes her sleep well every day!
That's my quick story about the FHMOMS, Pampers and my little Sunny. If you're thinking about starting a family of your own and taking a break from the stressful commute in Manila, I urge you to come check FHMOMS out. :)