The supplies were purchased at Michael's, but many of these items could even be picked up at a dollar store, so the cost is certainly not prohibitive.
The project definitely did require some time. My husband sat the girls down one afternoon when I was out and got them to decorate the box, and then the really personal part began: he asked them to tell him all of the things they loved about me. Liv was five at the time, and Eva almost three, and six years later their answers still bring tears to my eyes. (Plus it's cute to see what their printing looked like at that age.)

I'm so glad to have proof of that one! The sentiment has changed over time.

"Brighten" is putting it politely. My father used to always tell me to put my eyes back in my head...

If you can't read five-year-old, this one says, "I love when you read in funny voices"

Even at age three her passion was evident!
As the queen of decluttering, there aren't a lot of things that I keep - especially indefinitely - but my special little box of love will be with me 'til the end.
This Mother's Day gift is not only great for moms: there are many grandmas, aunts, godmothers and stepmothers who would appreciate the personal touch as well.