Entertainment Magazine
Racer asked us to do Sunday morning album reviews. I groaned. I did this because I'm always driving to work if I'm up on a Sunday morning, and I don't like a great deal of noise that early. In fact, I usually don't listen to music at all on a morning commute. Instead, I'll opt for some radio-play or an audiobook.
Then it hit me, why not write up my favorite podcast.
There's this little corner of the internet called the District of Wonders, it's home to several fun podcasts (Starship Sofa, Crime City Central, Protecting Project Pulp, and Tales to Terrify). Tales to Terrify is my go-to for morning listening. The host, Larry Santoro, has a great voice for a sleepy drive. It's deep, almost Art Bell-like. None of the standard loud noise; not a hint of the clang-clash-zam-pow that you get with most radio shows. Every week you get a well produced reading of a short story or novella by various authors. Sometimes it's a horror classic, like the recent reading of Algernon Blackwood's "The Willows"; others it's a contemporary story (my favorite was probably Cat Rambo's "Events at Ft. Plentitude", Episode 48).
That would be enough for most shows, in fact it is for the majority of the podcasts in the district of wonders, but for Tales to Terrify, there's more, so much more. The extra segments on the show are as good as (if not better than, sometimes) the actual story portion. You sometimes receive a lesson in horror fiction, sometimes you go on a ghost hunt from the point of view of a tape recorder, other times you get movie reviews, etc. It's always a treat to see what segment will be featured alongside your dish of fiction.
As if that wasn't enough, every week a new piece of art is added to go along with the show. Sometimes it's related to that weeks topic, others it's something completely different. Always worth a look.
The shows are generally about an hour long; that's an average, not a rule. If you're a fan of horror, storytelling, or just damn good radio, check it out. You'll probably be hooked, not like a fish, I mean, more like that chick in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.