Fashion Magazine

My Current Work out Routine

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

tory burchPost pregnancy I have gotten a lot of questions about how I got in shape post baby and what my diet and work out routine consist of. Before I get into ‘everything’, I just want to disclose that I am not a personal trainer nor a nutritionist. I have just found that these certain things work for my body while also keeping me happy (if that even makes sense). Lastly, remember this is what I am doing right now. With summer right around the corner, I know my schedule will change due to traveling so I will have to adjust!

Last November I wrote this post about why I chose to workout throughout my pregnancy (you can read it here) and since then I wrote a post on how to get back into working out (you can read that post here). Those are the only two posts the I have written the last 9 1/2 months related to working out. Occasionally, I post on my Instagram stories my work out schedule but I wanted to make it easy for you guys and post what my current work out schedule is. Now, please remember this is my current work out schedule that works for me. Somedays I go early in the morning before Ralph wakes up and other days I go in the middle of the day or even during nap time! I just try and work out 5 days a week and usually adjust to my personal schedule to make it happen!

My Current Work Out Routine

  • Monday: work out with our trainer or yoga
  • Tuesday: if I did yoga the day before, then I do spin
  • Wednesday: spin (9:30 with Kevin at Soul Cycle is my favorite)
  • Thursday: yoga or spin (either 8:30 at Terlingo Cycle, 12:15 yoga or 12 Soul Cycle..depends on how my work out week has gone)
  • Friday: spin (9:30 with Kevin at Soul Cycle) ***Friday morning is kind of my bonus work out, some weeks it happens, some weeks it doesn’t)
  • Saturday: work out with our trainer

Some weeks I get 6 work outs in, some weeks I maybe get 3. The goal is always 5 but I for sure don’t sweat it if it doesn’t happen. I do want to add that the biggest benefit of working out during my pregnancy was not having to worry about dropping the baby weight post baby. Since my sweet baby arrived, I have not even thought or stressed about it. Everyone said if you worked hard during pregnancy (or kept a semi-normal fitness routine) that whenever your body was ready to start working out again, the weight would just ‘fall off’. 100% true.

As far as what I eat during the week, I will do another post on that. Quick version is portion control goes along ways and never deprive yourself of the things you love, otherwise you will go crazy and eat more bad things than you should!

I hope this post helps you maybe get back on a schedule or at least think about easinggggg back into working out. For me, my workout time is my time to clear my head and even though I am usually in a group class, be myself and just enjoy my surroundings. Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband and baby more than anything on this earth but every now and again it’s nice to have ‘me time’. It makes me a better wife, a better mother and a better friend.

My Current Work out Routine

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