Lately, I do feel my hormones going wilder than ever. Unlike the other mums, I am not weepy or depressed. But I do get very angry easily. It doesn't take much to trigger the aggression within me. Food delayed...fumes. Things don't go my way...explodes. Nobody is listening...*raises voice* I don't know man, is it the kid's personality or is the lack of proper rest doing all these to me.
I am quite relieved to receive this package from Cielito. I am not sure how familiar you guys are with crystals, but it is known to have healing elements. In my package, I also received some crystals which included rose quartz (which will help to bring back harmony in my relationships), amethyst flowers (for patience and balance) and smoky/ clear quartz (which can help to relieve stress and negativity). It is quite therapeutic to hold them in my hands, even if they don't really work, I might buy a few more cos they make good deco for the house and my future garden.

If you are into colourful accessories, I would recommend the Saorsa ~ Rainbox Tourmaline (5mm) - $46. Mine is on the tight side for my wrist even though it is really small. But I have to admit that I really like the sun charm and it looked really good as a stack bracelet. I stacked it with Jovial ($26) which allowed quite a bit of room for my wrist since it can be adjusted.
If you are into the properties of crystals, Jovial consists of Angelite ( a stone of peace and camarderie) and Morganite (a stone of love and compassion). Please don't be surprised to see these bracelets appearing even in future posts on my wrists, I really need to tap on the crystal's powers to cool myself and the baby's rising temper!