I have blogged weekly for the last few weeks, but I stopped updating and uploading my pictures on my photoblog for several months. I still love photography and still thinking that I should take my photography hobby more seriously. But at the moment, I am so engrossed with my blog (not necessarily blogging) and I have been thinking of the good and the bad of taking my photography into the next level. In January I introduced New Photo Website. The truth is as soon as I made the announcement, I neglected it. As a matter of fact my blogging on this site was also slowing down. Yes, I didn’t make any promises or any new year resolution on my online activities that is for both photography and blogging.
Dark looking theme
This year will be my final year of working and living as an expat, which means I will be busy packing up my Middle East life and start a different life. My husband and I will officially retire from ‘work’ and embark on a new life to be full-time travelers for the next couple of years. Not expatriating anymore but traveling. Having said that, our life style will be different, from a 9 to 5 lifestyle (or rather 7 to 4) and we shall become nomads; our PO Box address will become an email address and 2 bedroom apartment living becomes 2 backpackers. I know that I will have a busy year ahead; sorting, segregating our personal effects, which one should we ship to the next destination in our life and which one to take with us as our day-to-day clothes, etc.
What about my online life? With no day job, I wish I could focus on my online life, which means that might be busier and more active by then, both on my blog and my photography. But then I realized that all my blogs are difficult to navigate, they don’t connect to each other, even inside this blog I find it hard to browse around. I started of as an expat blogger, with posts about life as an expat in the Middle East, and turned in to a travel blog. Well I guess I have myself to blame for the evolution of my blog content. The thing is how to navigate around and to connect everything inside it; should I curate it in such a way so that my old and new audience will easily see what is this blog about? or should I leave it as it is or maybe revamp the look of my blog, as I guess no body is really interested about what I wrote 7 years ago. It is all now obsolete… Or should I move to another address and start a fresh and forget about this blog? But having said that, who’s looking at my blog beyond the latest post anyway, which makes my last statement valid, I should start a new blog, with new name and new ideas? But I don’t think I can do this, as my genre of thinking will always be the same.
Another intriguing question that pops up in my mind, every now and then is who did I blog for in the first place??? Do I blog for my loved ones who (might) want to know of my adventures? or do I blog for myself, as my journal…? I wrote about this some time ago here. I also knew that I am not a great writer, hence the limited followers considering years of blogging.
I think for now, I will just have to revamp the look of my blog, less clutter, more minimalist look (I hope); I will also curate the content to be ensync with the latest topic, about traveling expats and finding my way ‘home’, where ever home is…. However, the latter might take time and before I finish curating it, I might change my mind again on how I want my blog to look as I am never really happy with how my blog looks, or even I might change the name of my blog, the domain or even the platform….
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