Family Magazine

My Aveeno Post: To Ned and Back

By Bloggerfather @bloggerfather
I got compensated for writing this post. Yep.

I haven't shaved in 5 and a half years. Well, that's a lie. I shaved once.
I used to shave every day, but then, when my son was born, I thought I'd give shaving a break, especially since I was now a stay-at-home-dad, and my boss couldn't yell at me to shave. Actually, he did yell a lot after he was born, and it could have been about my facial hair...
One day became a week, and then a month...
Then one day, about a year ago, I decided to shave. Because why not. Unfortunately, I didn't care for my shaved look. Realizing I now looked like Ned Ryerson, I also realized I'd probably never shave again.
So instead of shaving, I did what I had done for the previous 4 years: use my hair clippers without the attachment to go all the way from the top of my head to my beard. It doesn't feel like I pamper myself--in fact, it feels a bit teen-wolf-ish, but it does the job. Here's me now:
Pre Aveeno
But now I got all these Aveeno products to review, which means it's time to try out the Ned Ryerson theory again. Will I be able to leave the house tomorrow?
First, here are the products: a pre-shave face wash, a shave gel, and an after shave--all from Aveeno's new line of skin care products.
Aveeno pre-shave face wash
Aveeno shave gel
Aveeno after shave
And now... For the results...
Post Aveeno
So... Let the beard grow, or accept my inner Ryerson?

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