But enough of that, in with some April goals!
- Go to the London Coffee Festival - see you there?
- Finally eBay my old University textbooks.
- Introduce Pilates to my workout schedule.
- Plan our Copenhagen trip(!!)
- Hang out with my girl Elodie!
- Maintain a better work schedule.
- Take my Mama out for a mother-daughter dinner.
- Spend a day in London with Babybutter.
What’s in store for your April?

My April To-Do List
1.4.17 Hello kids! Today I'm heading out to London to spend the day with a handful of my best girls. Bites, drinks and a lot of catching up is on the menu and I'm oh so excited. It feels like it's been an AGE since I sat down and chatted on here. 2017 is racing away from us like you would not believe, don’t you think? I’m surprisingly glad to be seeing the back of March. Although it’s usually my favorite month because it was birthday month, this month (say month one more time…!) was stressful, a touch too busy for comfort and I feel completely drained now that it’s all been said and done.But enough of that, in with some April goals!
- Go to the London Coffee Festival - see you there?
- Finally eBay my old University textbooks.
- Introduce Pilates to my workout schedule.
- Plan our Copenhagen trip(!!)
- Hang out with my girl Elodie!
- Maintain a better work schedule.
- Take my Mama out for a mother-daughter dinner.
- Spend a day in London with Babybutter.
What’s in store for your April?