Steven Spielberg is one of the greatest directors of all time. Today he is 70 years old and showing no signs of slowing down and stopping when it comes to making films. To help celebrate this day I thought it was the perfect opportunity to pick my seven favourites of his films. Please bear in mind though that I haven’t seen all of them!

Happy 70th Birthday Steven Spielberg!

This was one of those films that instantly became a favorite of mine on seeing it at the cinema earlier this year. I was just blown away by the performances and thought it was just shot so perfectly. I was so impressed with Mark Rylance not only did I put a bet on him to win the Oscar, but I am also going down to London to see him in a play next week!

I find this film to be massively underrated, it has such a well lovely story of friendship and how that can really help you out when you are in need of it the most. Who else could pull off a film that takes place nearly all inside an airport terminal? This is another incredible Hanks/Spielberg collaboration.
Jurassic Park

Who does not love this incredibly tense film? I grew up loving it and watching it over and over again over the years. It wasn’t until more recently that I actually realised how tense and just well brilliant the film really is. The tension built up even though we all know that dinosaurs no longer exist, surely that is a testament to great filmmaking!

HOOK, Julia Roberts, director Steven Spielberg, Robin Williams on-set, 1991. (c) TriStar Pictures.
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I know Spielberg himself has totally distanced himself from this one, but I cannot help but still love everything about how different it is compared to all of the other Peter Pan films we have. I thought he really brought the best out in Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman. Feels fitting to mention this film again as it was celebrating 25 years last week!

I was very late to join this party but I could not believe how tense this film really is, how scared you are just watching it and the music that fits in so well. This makes it really unbearable to watch and you certainly do not want to go in any sea any time soon after watching this one! It really does show such an incredible way to grip and terrify an audience!
Saving Private Ryan

A truly epic and great World War II film as they must search to bring a young private home so a family does not lose all of their sons in such a short space of time. It really does capture the brutal nature of war and how the men come together to really support and help one another in the great times of need.
Catch Me If You Can

A cat and mouse still chase goes on from start to finish in this film and when the two that are involved in that are Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio. I actually feel as though this film has been pretty much forgotten about over the years but really does have such a good and engaging story.
What are your favourites and why?
Who do you like him working with the most?