Life Coach Magazine

My 2012 Inspiration

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport




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Rather than creating a list of New Year’s resolutions which I’m likely to break (and it’ll depress me) I decided instead to choose a couple of words to use and guide me this year in what I want to achieve and as inspiration.

The words I’ve chosen are Balance and Growth.

As a single mother, I don’t tend to have heaps of balance in my life and I’ve figured out that this is not good for me.  Sure my health is fine right now, but if I keep going the way I’m going it won’t be and so I chose balance to remind me that I need to take care of myself as well as everyone else and my business.  Since having kids I’ve really done little exercise, and as I’m getting older it’s really not a good state of affairs so reminding myself to create some balance and take out the time to go for a walk or to the gym, and that this is not a waste of my valuable time (as I’ll be working on my health which is hugely important) is something I plan to spend more time doing this year.

Growth was chosen to inspire me to work toward my goals – instead of frittering time on inconsequential matters, instead to focus on high value activities in my business.  My time is limited – with two primary school aged children to look after, and bills to pay, mouths to feed and roofs to keep I need to ensure that my time spent working is as productive as possible in ways that will make our lives better and more abundant.

Do you make resolutions?  Do you avoid them completely?  Is there a word or two that could inspire you to have a great 2012?  Please share!

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