Entertainment Magazine

Musicians’ Top 100 of All Time (100 to 91)

Posted on the 12 May 2016 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

Today marks 13 years since the very first issue of TRM and about 10 years since the name was changed to Tomatrax. To mark this occasion I have asked artists that have been featured over the years to submit their favourite songs.

I've always been fascinated in what the musicians I like to listen to like listening to. Understanding what music drives musicians has always been interesting, and almost always led me to discover other great music.

So instead of coming up with yet another list of my favourite music (as I do every year) I decided to look further and ask what music the musicians like. Now the votes have been counted and it is time to count down the top 100. There has been a good mix of songs that appear on just about every all time music list and some other obscure pieces. As far as I can tell, only one artist voted for themselves.

Now onto (part 1) of the list.

100 The Charlatans - The Only One I Know

99 Slowdive - Joy

98 Kings of Leon - My Party

97 Joni Mitchell - Hissing of summer lawns

96 Green - Gotta Get a Record Out

95 Disturbed - Stricken

94 Devendra Banhart - Won't You Come Home

93 Closure In Moscow - Happy Days

92 Ainslie wills - wide load

91 Rush - Bravado

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