Africa's mighty music has me back for another blog throw down, ring the authorities because I'm obsessed! Kenya's 'Sauti Sol' had me feeling that 'Friday Feeling' with 'Chimano's' newest solo single, only good vibes and energy! Wow, Zim's 'Ammara Brown!' Fala Português? 'Perola' from Angola and 'Calema' from 'Mozambique' both have my attention! Sim! O' Africa, I'm listening!

Category is... 'House of Chimano!' One fourth of Kenyan band 'Sauti Sol, 'Chimano' was specifically brought to my attention by my Kenyan friend, Ruth. The house down! Conservative Africa, what are you going to do? Voguing and throwing moves down on that neon-lit floor, Chimano commanded only good vibes and the same energy! The video to that smash hit had me noticing many references from the 'Ballroom' scene that were featured in the famous U.S series 'Pose'. In many interviews, Chimano has been open about his new sound, emphasising the mood serves up love and freedom for himself and his fans. To see Chimano open the door for the LGBT+ Community in Kenya, truly it's a breath of fresh air! 'Friday Feeling' stands as the first single from Chimano's upcoming debut solo album, 'Heavy Is The Crown!' Definitely, this first single has a liberating sound, something tells me Chimano wants to express his true sound away from Sauti Sol? I'm sure Chimano will empower LGBT people in Kenya and Africa as a whole!
Backtracking, 'Sauti Sol' are sure worthy of a mention because their Kenyan beats are legendary! No, my thoughts were wrong that they had disbanded, I jumped on that thought because Chimano had released his first solo single! Maybe just a hiatus? Oh 'Suzana!' Sauti Sol had my ears asking questions, their Swahili and English rendition of their hit 'Suzana' had me wondering, I wanted more! Yes, Ruth my Kenyan friend had referred me to this band because she can't go a day without listening to their music! A heartbreaker? Bend over, backbreaker? They wanted to date her! 'Melanin' gave me the chills with that 'Black Excellence' empowering video by 'Sauti Sol' because from my viewpoint it was a pure celebration of beautiful highly melanated skin! An African queen? Yes! It's an African one! Collaborating with Yemi Alade, 'Africa' without question became an anthem with Sauti Sol also professing that 'Nowhere be like Africa!' Sauti's Kenyan legs would run to you, proclaiming 'Hakuna Matata!' Come on, Sauti S!

Some people might not have known that Africa has six countries that are part of the 'Lusophone'. Poruguese is the official language in those African 'Lusophone' countries which are; Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and lastly, São Tomé e Principe. 'Pérola' from Angola popped up on my recommended YouTube feed during 2016, it was just one of those boozy Fridays spent in my Wuhan apartment when I first heard 'Tudo Para Mim'. I was completely naive, I had never heard Angolan music before that Friday evening in Wuhan, instantly I loved that Portuguese pop song! Pérola served something that I couldn't quite explain, after asking one of my Portuguese friends about her, it was revealed she's the Portuguese singing Beyoncé! I then went on to discover several other hits by Pérola as time passed me by, 'Já Não Sou Criança' had me learning the Portuguese for 'I'm No Longer A Child'. There was something about her music, the Angolan beat had me hooked! Eu amo música! Sim!
This blog feature has allowed me to delve back into the music back-catalogue of Pérola with much gusto! Catching 'Forever' by chance, I fell in love with that Portuguese language song from Angola. After living in a Portuguese speaking neighbourhood during 2012, separating the Brazilian and European variations of that 'Lusophone' language had me then getting used to Angolan Portuguese because of Pérola's music! Her Portuguese is clear, probably more clearer than Brazilian Portuguese but don't tell anyone that! Having an African influence within her music, the added drum based beats mixed with pop synths blend the perfect musical combination. Back to 2016, after discovering those two mentioned hits, I also stumbled across 'Ninguém'. Meaning 'Nobody' in Portuguese, that fighting theme music video had me bopping along to that empowering Angolan pop song! A more recent release, 'Não Custa Nada' brought me back to the beginning with a new Pérola beat! The 'Lusophone' hasn't heard the last of me!

This 'Lusophone' has got a hold on me! I had originally planned to introduce 'Mr. Bow' from 'Mozambique' but something else had a hold over me! Sticking with one of the six Portuguese speaking African countries, I would like to introduce 'Calema' who are from 'São Tomé e Principe'. 'Calema' is made up of two Brothers, 'António Mendes Ferreira' and 'Fradique Mendes Ferreira' who were both born and raised in Africa's own São Tomé e Principe. Coming through with a modern Electro-Kizomba style tunes, their career as a due took to new heights after they moved to Portugal in 2008. Not knowing much about these two musicians from São Tomé e Principe, my digging unearthed that in 2017 Calema's hit 'A Nossa Vez', becoming the most watched music video in the Portuguese language on YouTube! Their most recent hit, 'Onde Anda' brought me to my first encounter with Calema during April 2022. Without a doubt, I will be checking more of their music out because this Summer needs a playlist! Eu vou escutar mais!
Mozambique is calling! Covering the third Portuguese speaking African country within this blog feature has to be done, introducing 'Mr. Bow!' Bouncing in with 'Va Navela', that Afrobeats hit had me listening to a full on African beat with Portuguese as the main language used. Blending colours and costumes, the vibrancy of that hit by 'Mr. Bow' had me stunned, the blend between that African and Lusophone connection had me hooked! 'Tsovani Minengue' brought the beat with a non so Portuguese sound, after some detective work I found out the songs language was in fact 'Tsonga'. 'Tsovani Minengue' had a similar sound compared with 'Va Navela' within regards to the beat and pace, surely as the language change brought much difference. Building a new life? A royal African king and queen? Mr. Bow reintroduced me to one more of his Portuguese langauage songs with 'Ainda Vais Me Amar' meaning 'Will You Still Love Me?' Featuring 'Liloca' that duet ended as a pleasing Mozambique addition. Obrigado à Lusófona!

After working with Kelly, being from 'Zimbabwe' she suggested that I should listen to 'Ammara Brown'. I stumbled upon 'Akiliz' to be fronted with a smash hit, I was impressed with that Zimbabwe musical offering! Collaborating with Nigerian star 'Mr. Eazi', 'Svoto' proved to be a light-hearted Afrobeat number, I would love to know what 'Svoto' means? Tell me! Putting all of her cards onto the table, Ammara's 'Wachu Want' gave me those 'independent woman' vibes and much more! Mixed messages? No, both 'Akiliz' and 'Wachu Want' shared an unstoppable vibe without any reservations left behind! Always 'Loyal!' Brown didn't have any time for that man's foolishness, leaving that baby'o told because that Zim songstress read his rights finally! 'Mambokadzi', who? Ammara featured on 'Gemma Griffiths' 2019 hit 'Mambokadzi' outlining that girls wants attention but woman demand respect! Serving deep emotion for the abused and their abusers with 'Tichichema', such profound lyrics had me understand the message instantly!
Keeping things 'Zim!' 'Easy' by Zimbabwean 'Afro-fusion' artist, 'Gemma' featuring Chimano caught my attention during one evening in 2022, thanking YouTube! The vibe of that recent release gave a sense of simplicity towards love, breaking down any difficulties to see 'how the world would be'. Expressing that love is 'easy', along with the video that oozed a sense of pride and 'let love be' was great to listen to. Yes, through listening to Chimano, I found out about 'Gemma' without realising. '+263' by Gemma had me confused because this white girl was singing in both Shona and English with such fluidity, I wasn't expecting that! Yes, with research I found out that '+263' is the dialling code for Zimbabwe. 'Maita Basa Baba' and 'Titungamire' both by 'Gemma' had me hearing pure Shona beats, both music videos transported me to the beauty of Zimbabwe. I found that Gemma's music videos captured a complete Zim portrayal with an honest view, I need to listen to more of her music! 'A Girl From Harare?' Yes, Gemma!
From Africa To The World!
Desperately Seeking Adventure