Food & Drink Magazine

Munchy Seeds Choccy Ginger & Honey Seeds

By Kev A @kevvieguy
Munchy Seeds Choccy Ginger & Honey Seeds

Following my review of the Munchy Seeds Salted Caramel Topper, today's review is for some of the smaller packs from the Munchy Seeds range. I was sent a variety to review but today I'll be focusing on the Honey, Salted Caramel and Choccy Ginger. The Salted Caramel Topper is the same thing as these smaller packs, so click the link above for that.

Munchy Seeds Choccy Ginger & Honey Seeds

Moving onto the Honey Seeds, these have won a Great Taste Award and are coated in a mixture of sugar and honey. And they're pretty nommable! (is that a word? I'm pretty sure it is nowadays!) They taste crunchy, sweet and slightly savoury all at once with the delicate honey flavour giving them a lighter edge compared to the Salted Caramel. They taste just as good and I suppose you can even pretend they're healthier since honey is more natural than sugar ;) Regardless, it's pretty easy to get through the bag, although they are a lot more filling than similar products like Nakd bars.

8 out of 10.

Munchy Seeds Choccy Ginger & Honey Seeds

The Choccy Ginger variety is coated in dark chocolate, something you don't often see with seeds! The mix consists of crystallized ginger, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

Munchy Seeds Choccy Ginger & Honey Seeds

Unfortunately they arrived in the post somewhat melted...they were practically all stuck together! I did my best to scoop them out of the pack with a spoon, and they were a nice mix of gingery, chocolatey flavours with a nice crunch from the seeds. Definitely very tasty, but a shame they were melted as I bet these are very moreish in their "unmelted" form. In fact I'd like to see a larger bag of them!

8.5 out of 10.

Overall, these snacks from Munchy Seeds get a big thumbs up from me, all were super tasty and moreish, yet still filling and healthy. I believe they're available from as well as, plus most supermarkets also sell them. Recommended if you want a healthier treat!

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