Current Magazine

Mr Putin Goes to Washington

By Therealmcteag @therealmcteag


Well we all knew that Trump was gonna keep on sucking up to Putin but inviting Vlad the Poisoner come to the White House is just a slap in the face to the American People.

I guess he needs to get instructions from his boss? Or Trump somehow beat out Netanyahu for Kremlin Employee of the Month? Or make a payment on the Pee-Pee Tapes?

Whatever the reason our wanna-be dictator will of course lie to us and then Putin will punk him hours later by releasing details of a meeting that will be misrepresented by this White House just like they misrepresent everything.

I think Trump just needs to talk to Putin to beg in person for help and hacks in the upcoming 2018 Midterm Elections.

Here’s some predictions-

  • The meeting will have Putin lounging in the Oval Office with his little bitch Trump
  • Trump will try to avoid the press and lie about the meetings and everything that is discussed
  • Putin WILL Punk Him like he Punks everyone. Probably by releasing some embarrassing pictures or audio to directly contradict what Trump’s assertions
  • Suddenly there will be a new strategy for re-election and the mid terms- Stick to your Guns and wait for the fix is the best description
  • Treason stays in season
  • The meeting will immediately begin a new erosion of Trumps numbers (if he doesn’t start it sooner with a whack statement). Its really offensive and was probably Putin’s idea.
  • When Trump’s impeachment goes down this meeting will be the source of at least one charge in the Indictment
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