SUCK IT all you international pee-wee hockey teams out there. USA USA USA USA USA USA! When ducks fly together, they can’t be stopped. Except they make easier targets for Duck Hunt enthusiasts and trained hunters. Listen, I don’t have much to say on this movie cause it is one of the most bombastic, chest thumping kid film sequels to ever hit the screens. I remember seeing this movie when I was a kid and thinking that you could actually do the knuckle puck shot that Kenan Thompson does only to realize that the physics and trajectory of said shot doesn’t really match what the movie shows. But I will say this, D2 is probably one of the best sequels to a kids movie ever, so move over the Bad New Bears go to Japan.

The story is, The Ducks are chosen to represent America at the Junior Goodwill games with the incorporation of 5 new players to the old roster. There is the speedy Gonzales type Miami skater, the thick neck enforcer, some cat like lady goalie, an olympic figure skater and finally, a redneck rodeo juggler. This Benetton Ad of players don’t get along with the original members, something, something teamwork. Anyways their soon to be rivals of the tournament are the Germans… I mean Icelanders for some reason. So they compete, they dominate, then get humiliated and then come together to beat those Icelandic vikings. The End.
For me, I remember three distinct things about this movie, which also just happen to make the movie work for me. One is that I am supposed to hate those snotty Icelandic hockey team who crush their opposition. Did you see those guys on the team, they don’t like kids in the least, let alone being allowed into the Junior Goodwill Games. Now I am sure that the Goodwill Committee isn’t as strict as the Olympic Committee, but at least check their birth certificates. Also the head coach is named Wolf Stanton. Was Max Fightmaster or Magnus Ver Magnusson already taken?
Two: Knuckle Puck
And we beat Russia with that shot, it’s like the Miracle on Ice all over again. Here we come 1980s!
Last but not least, the third reason: The New Team Members
I do love the music that accompanies both Mendoza and the hickish puck handler, very fitting.
This is why D2 will always be near and dear to my heart.