I never cared what anyone ever said or thought about me, and I have benefitted ultimately from my genuine attitude of natural faculty, I was concerned and occupied by “spirit” which in turn preoccupied me with inspiration and elevation. -Miss LaToya
I’ve been continuously blessed through out my entire life and the fortunate circumstance remains the same until this current day.
We who are decent and genuine have all had people judge, and, misjudge us but, who in the hell are they to judge us to begin with, especially when we surpass them within character?
People initially judged me not for what I was doing but for the things that I wasn’t doing. I was even told once, “You think your better than everyone else because you’re not doing the same things everybody else is doing”.
I laugh at people like them harshly.
A lot of individuals usually judge others by their actions when “spirit” judges by our intentions.
It’s not what we do but why we do what we do and the reasons behind it.
Ignorant people often point the finger at or accuse others of the things in which they are actually guilty of feeling, or doing, when confronted with an action or reaction done, speculated, or displayed in correspondence to someone else.
They define others by the range incorporated within their own inclined behavior and limited scope of comprehension they don’t have the capacity to think or rationalize otherwise.
Everyone doesn’t do things out of the same motives and everyone does not respond the same to occurrences or events which may effect certain others within specific ways.
It all depends on one’s own individuality, and although I’ve been told I’m one out of a million when it comes to being unique, I still give distinction among others when it does actually apply.
Those who instantly judge other people solely on their actions or what they assume without knowing the genuine facts or details of a situation are just reflecting their own true susceptibilities, tendencies, flaws, and insecurities.
Their interpretations have absolutely nothing to do with us or what we’ve done or haven’t done it is all a mirror image of those themselves. Their conjectures tell more about them and who they are more than anything else, and we know these truths for a fact as we absolutely know ourselves.
Then, these people turn around and wonder why we constantly overcome, succeed, and prevail, with consistent peace and blessings while they don’t experience these constant advantages at all.
Yet, we already know the answer to this obvious question and that is because we aren’t anything at all like them.
Our motives and intentions are pure, logical, intelligent, far-seeing, and well meaning, something they couldn’t even begin to imagine.
Whereas others cannot see “spirit” knows and views everything. We have nothing to prove or to apologize for all we have to do is to keep doing what we do by fiercely continuing to be who we authentically are.