Motifs in Cinema is a discourse across film blogs, assessing the way in which various thematic elements have been used in the 2013 cinematic landscape. How does a common theme vary in use from a comedy to a drama? Are filmmakers working from a similar canvas when they assess the issue of death or the dynamics of revenge? Like most things, a film begins with an idea – Motifs in Cinema assesses how various themes emanating from a single idea change when utilised by varying artists.
"Appreciation of Life" is a theme that is fairly common throughout film history. When we go to the cinema we often seek a certain level of escapism that lends itself to positive life-affirming stories. In that regard, one can approach the theme from two different perspectives. For example, a film can convey appreciation of life through its characters' own attitudes. On the other hand, the construct of a film may convey the theme by allowing you to appreciate the life of a character (biopics and documentaries are especially good for this). With that in mind, I will be highlighting 6 different films that relate to the theme of Appreciation of Life. Though they vary in scale and genre, they are all linked by this common theme.