Society Magazine

Mother's Day: Thank You to Christian Mothers of Now and Yesteryear

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
Christian mothers are precious in God's sight. I've talked before about the effect Charles Spurgeon's mother had on him. Today we see the effect Frank Boreham's mother had. She nurtured and raised a man who became one of Christianity's top 20 preachers, ever. What a glory to Jesus mothers give, when they raise their children in His name! What a long-lasting effect they have on the faith throughout the ages!
Spurgeon had a mother. She bore 17 children. Nine of them died. Phil Johnson wrote in his essay "How childhood influences shaped a great preacher",
Spurgeon's mother was the one whose influence first awakened him to the claims of Christ on his life. Her exhortations to her children, as well as her prayers on their behalf, made an indelible impact on Charles as a young boy.
It is the same with Boreham. From the 4-part video of Boreham's life, we hear the narrator speak, and then an actor re-enacting Boreham reading from his memoirs.
Narrator: FW Boreham adored his mother. His admiration was magnified because of the stories she told and the engaging way she told them.
Boreham: I have never heard anybody unfold the classic biblical narratives with such dignity and winsomeness and charm such as she could command. And when she came to the story of the cross, she could move us all to tears. I confess that although betwixt those days and these, I have attended many theological lectures and read ponderous theological tomes. The conception of the cross was always in my mind and in preaching and in writing, is the conception that took shape within me by the fireside in those days of long ago.
Narrator: Boreham could say that on those Sunday nights in front of the fireplace with his mother nine times out of ten the evenings closed with the singing of his mother's favorite hymn that exactly summed up all her teaching:
Jesus, who lived above the sky,
Came down to be a Man and die;
And in the Bible we may see
How very good He used to be.
Boreham: And all through the long years of pilgrimage I've never sung that hymn or heard it sung without experiencing a clutch at the heart and a moistening of the eyes as the fond recollection has swept over me as those heart to heart talks in the flickering firelight of the old home.
Christian Mothers, thank you!
Mother's Day: Thank you to Christian Mothers of now and yesteryear

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