Woman knows what man has long forgotten, that the ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilization is still the family. Clare Boothe Luce
This quote underscores how women value family, as evidenced by card-carrying Sandwich Generation moms working hard to support kids growing up and parents growing older. If you’re the child, mother or partner of such a dedicated woman, how do you plan to celebrate her this Mother’s Day? Here are a few practical ideas:
If you’re the child of a SG mom and you get daily reminders about cleaning your room, finishing your homework, practicing your instrument, or doing your chores, how about this? Why not give mom an IOU – a week of full cooperation – and then follow through. You may like the results so much that you decide to make it a habit.
If you’re the parent of a SG mom and becoming more dependent, try to carry your share of the load. Your help may include cooking dinner once a week, calling without complaining, babysitting every so often. You’ll see how much your daughter appreciates your efforts and it may even make you feel more a part of the family.
If you’re the partner of a SG mom, listen to what your wife has to say and learn a lot about what she needs. Tell her she’s doing a great job managing the challenges of kids and parents. Jump in and drive the morning carpool or the folks to their doctors’ appointments. Take the kids to the park so she can sleep in. Plan a surprise like a night at the theater or a weekend away.
It’s wonderful to honor mom on Mother’s Day. But why think about living every day with gratitude for the woman devoted to caring for three generations of family?